Case Study

The Challenge

EncourageX has a unique goal – to provide people with tools and resources to encourage each other during life’s important moments. EncourageX wants to help people build stronger relationships by providing the tools to encourage friends, family members or coworkers as they go through the range of life events throughout their lifetimes. The company began with a vision and a working prototype and they needed a partner that would help them refine their product, help bring it to market and work as a team to continually improve it.

Pain Points

Need for both a short-term minimum viable product and long-term product vision

Need for a partner to move quickly to bring a product to market and pivot as needed

Need to collaboratively define and iterate the product

Need to find a team open to iterative design Custom Application Development and development rounds

Needed partner that would ensure continual focus on the customer

Service: Product Strategy and Design

Skills + Technology


UI/UX Design


Custom App Development



Development of long-term project and resource roadmap

Design and development of minimum viable product (MVP) to quickly test market response

Design and implementation of the EncourageX website and mobile application

Ongoing customer experience metrics and project management driving product improvements and identifying new market opportunities

Encourage Site Laptop
Houston Food Bank
Encourage X Site Mockup

The EncourageX Story

EncourageX was founded with the mission of improving the way friends, loved ones and co-workers support each other throughout their lifetimes and during a range of life events.

To achieve this mission, the company has developed innovative tools to help people support, console, and encourage each other, offering the right words at the right time for the given circumstance. They wanted to answer the question “How do you empower people to encourage others?”

The Challenges They Were Facing
EncourageX started with a working prototype and a strong vision and wanted to bring a minimum viable product (MVP) to market. They needed a technology partner that understood their vision and was able to help them take their business from an idea and prototype to a viable product ready for the market.

Encourage X Website

Finding a Solution
Poetic began collaborating with EncourageX on all phases of the product development process, from developing an initial product roadmap to designing and creating a marketable product to gathering customer feedback and continually improving the product. Poetic’s design, development and project management experts helped make EncourageX’s product vision a reality, providing:

“Our requirements were extensive and Poetic has been with us every step of the way.”

“Our Poetic team is a seasoned group of designers, planners and developers with a long-term business vision,” said James Brown, founder and Chief Encouragement Officer. “Our requirements were extensive and Poetic has been with us every step of the way.  We met, talked, planned and then Poetic got to work helping us develop and launch our product. We chose Poetic because we were looking for more than a contractor – we needed a true, long-term partner that would give us their honest opinions, conduct a two-way dialogue and help us achieve our vision. Poetic was the right choice for us.”

Poetic and EncourageX continue to work together to refine current products, look for business growth opportunities and help the company achieve its long-term goal of finding “a better way to encourage the people we care about in a more personal, authentic, and consistent way.”